Thursday, August 9, 2012

Little Miss Right!

1. Never apologize for who you are! Stand your ground and fight for what you believe in, the same way you would defend a friend.
2. Giving honest advice, even when it's hard to do so, is not a crime. Speak the truth with love!
3. Wanting yo know about what's going on in a pal's life is always allowed. If she doesn't want to tell you, that's her right, but she shouldn't get mad at you for asking.
4. Nobody should stop you from wanting to have good, clean fun with your friends. If other people find your kind of boring, weird or uncool, don't mind them. All that matters is that you and your friends are having a blast and doing what's right.
5. Asking for help from your girl pals needs no apology. Depending on each other is a sign of love, trust and acceptance.
*Don't get stuck in the blame game. These are five things you shouldn't have to say sorry for!

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